<?phpif(!defined(\'DATALIFEENGINE\')){ die(\"Fack You!\");}$topnews = dle_cache(\"topnews\", $config[\'skin\']);if (!$topnews) { $this_month = date (\'Y-m-d H:i:s\', $_TIME); $db->query(\"SELECT id, title, date, alt_name, category, flag FROM \" . PREFIX . \"_post WHERE approve=\'1\' AND date >= \'$this_month\' - INTERVAL 1 MONTH AND date < \'$this_month\' ORDER BY rating DESC, comm_num DESC, news_read DESC, date DESC LIMIT 0,10\"); while($row = $db->get_row()){ $row[\'date\'] = strtotime($row[\'date\']); $row[\'category\'] = intval($row[\'category\']); if ($config[\'allow_alt_url\'] == \"yes\") { if ($row[\'flag\'] AND $config[\'seo_type\']) { if ($row[\'category\'] AND $config[\'seo_type\'] == 2) { $full_link = $config[\'http_home_url\'].get_url($row[\'category\']).\"/\".$row[\'id\'].\"-\".$row[\'alt_name\'].\".html\"; } else { $full_link = $config[\'http_home_url\'].$row[\'id\'].\"-\".$row[\'alt_name\'].\".html\"; } } else { $full_link = $config[\'http_home_url\'].date(\'Y/m/d/\', $row[\'date\']).$row[\'alt_name\'].\".html\"; } } else { $full_link = $config[\'http_home_url\'].\"index.php?newsid=\".$row[\'id\']; } if (strlen($row[\'title\']) > 55) $title = substr ($row[\'title\'], 0, 55).\" ...\"; else $title = $row[\'title\']; $go_page = ($config[\'ajax\']) ? \"onclick=\\\"DlePage(\'newsid=\".$row[\'id\'].\"\'); return false;\\\" \" : \"\"; if ($config[\'allow_comments_wysiwyg\'] == \"yes\") $go_page = \'\'; $link = \"<a {$go_page}href=\\\"\".$full_link.\"\\\">\".stripslashes($title).\"</a>\"; $topnews .= \"&raquo; \".$link.\"<br />\"; } $db->free(); create_cache (\"topnews\", $topnews, $config[\'skin\']); }?>Помогите вместо &raquo; вставить иконку, при использовании обычного штмл не работает...