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Не используйте джумлу не используйте ИПБ они знаете на сервак создают нагрузку .Вариант от bbpixel Joomla 1.5 and IPB 2.3.4 Bridgebbpixel Jomla 1.5 vs ipb ipb 2.3.4Joomla 1.5 and IPB 2.3.4 Bridgejoomla vs ipb 2.3.4 BridgeИ с воблой:Integrate Joomla and Vbulletin ( Joomla 1.0.14 and 1.5 versions provided)Features* Powerful with all features of both Forum and Portal, bbpixel Plugin does not remove any function of them.* Users just need to register thru Forum and still use the other part without having to register again or login twice. Their private information are saved on both Portal and Forum databases. They can change their information via Forum User Control Panel* Easy to manage all users through Forum Admin Control Panel.* Can uninstall one of them (Portal, Forum) and/or run them as independent systems.* And more?RequirementsPortal and Forum have been installed on your server, using a Single MySQL 4.x Database, PHP 4.xТак что качаем пока есть зануленные интеги стучите в аську