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Ребят, помогите пожалуйста перевести с английского: Показать / Скрыть текстwhom ha afterwards iiiai^e cardinal, to irritate them still mora KCunrt France. In tiie course of the summer of 1510, the tSench, accordi^Co the plan whicli Julius had formed, were attscked in the Milanese b; tke Swiss, in Geiioo by tlie Geno- ese emwranls, at Modeaa by the pontifical troops, and at Verona liy the Venetians; bat, not withstanding the profound secrecy in which the pope enveloped his negotiations and intrigues, be could not succeed, as he had hoped, in surprising the French everywhere at the samB time. The four attaclis were made mccesBively, and repulsed. TJte sire de Chaumont, lieutenant of Loois in Lombardy, determined to avenge himself by besieg- ing the pope in Bologna, in the rnonth of October. Julius feigned a desire to purchaBe peace at any price ; but, while ne- ^tniating, he cau^ troops to advance ; and, on finding himself file stronger, suddenly changed his language, used threats, and made Chaumont retire. When Chaumont had placed his troops in winter-quarters, the pope, during the greatest severity of the Beason, attacked the small slate of Mlrandoia, which had put itself under the protection of France ; and entered its capital by • breach, on the 20th of January, I-^II. особенно мне интересен этот момент: Показать / Скрыть текстIn tiie course of the summer of 1510, the tSench, accordi^Co the plan whicli Julius had formed, were attscked in the Milanese b; tke Swiss, in Geiioo by tlie Geno- ese emwranls, at Modeaa by the pontifical troops, and at Verona liy the Venetians; bat, not withstanding the profound secrecy in which the pope enveloped his negotiations and intrigues, be could not succeed, as he had hoped, in surprising the French everywhere at the samB time. кому не сложно, помогите )