Доброго времени суток! Помогите настроить граббер с сайтов для адалт видео скрипта.http://skripters.biz/multimedia/10086-avs-adult-video-script-22-nulled-rus.htmlВот описание инсталяции, но при переводе я толком ничего не понял. Помогите.1. Make sure your server has php-curl installed.2. Ipload and overwrite the files inside /upload/ folder that come along with this zip to your site. Example: upload it to /public_html/ or /htdocs/ (make sure you dont upload the folder named: "upload", just its content inside.)3. Import the database.sql database dump found in /sql/ using phpMyAdmin in your AVS database4. Access the Mass Grabber in Siteadmin -> Videos -> Mass Embedder5. Thats all. Enter an URL containing multiple videos on it (like a search results page, or any video browsing page) and it will automatically embed all videos found on that page.6. Supported websites: - XVideos.com - Pornhub.com - RedTube.com - Empflix.com - Tnaflix.com - Shufuni.com - Pron.com - Porn2.com - Pornative.com - PornRabbit.com - KeezMovies.com