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Woocommerce Custom Product Addons Pro NULLED


SkripTers TEAM
18 Дек 2019
Woocommerce Custom Product Addons Pro 5.0.17 NULLED

WooCommerce Custom Product Pro NULLED addon, a well-designed, lightweight, and useful plugin ideal for easily adding new options using only your custom form builder

Input Fields & text fields
Add various custom product input fields such as Text, Number, Password, Email and you can set the value based on the number of characters, or multiply by the value entered by the user.

The Textarea field can be used to store multiple line strings as clients.

Select Field & Upload File
Select Options Help to add more items as dropdowns. Customers can choose one or more items according to the list. It can also set the same value for all fields and a different value for each field.

The File Upload field can be used by users to save a file. Files can be images, videos, documents and anything WordPress supports. The uploaded file will be stored in the uploads folder and can be accessed from outside the site via URL.

CheckBox & Radio Group
The check box and radio group help you select multiple background options. Check box for multiple selection when radio is used for single selection. Also, it can set different values for access points.

The administrator can set up to show other options so that the customer can choose to prefer an option other than the one listed, and users can set their prices as additional values.

Date and time of operation
Date field, Date and Time field and Time field are available in this plugin. Users can select a date from a custom built calendar and also enter the price directly. The timer functions similarly, displaying a set of time slots from which the user can select one.

The jQuery datetime picker is used for a custom date picker.
